Roughly three months ago I set off on a journey to improve myself and my personal brand. I wanted to establish myself as a leader in a space that I have experience in, and in a space that I knew I could do the most good.

That space, that niche, for me, was government marketing and communications.

As I stated earlier, I’m only about three months into my journey to become known, but I’m already starting to see the fruits of my labor. Invitations to speak at industry conferences, noteworthy shares of my content, and most recently, being nominated to the Government Social Media Professional Association Membership Council.

You see, it’s not about being an expert. (Who truly is an expert anyway?) In the words of Mark Schaefer, “Consistency is more important than genius.” It’s about being consistent and being intentional with how, when, and where you show up both online and in day-to-day life. 

In a world that is consistently changing and the pace of that change accelerating each and every day. It’s more important than ever to become known, share your ideas and POV through meaningful content, and network with other industry professionals.

I’m nowhere near done with my journey, but I think it is important to both recognize and celebrate your own wins. (No matter how small they may seem)

So, here’s to celebrating a little win of my own, and an invitation to you to celebrate your next little win. After all, you deserve it!

P.S. For your entertainment here is a recording of my AI-generated political campaign-inspired video that I created while running for GSM Council. Enjoy!

Felt cute, might delete later. . .


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