From Policy to Practice: Web Accessibility in Government

From Policy to Practice: Web Accessibility in Government

It was early May 2023, I was attending GSMCON in Reno, NV, and taking it all in. I love attending conferences and getting the chance to reflect on my work through new points of view. During a special general session on accessibility, I experienced the biggest mindset...
Dealing with Mis- and Disinformation

Dealing with Mis- and Disinformation

I want you to take a minute and look at the faces in the picture above. Perhaps one of them reminds you of a family member, a co-worker, or a friend. Now, what if I told you that none of those individuals actually exist? They are each deep fakes created by a site...
LinkedIn for Local Gov.

LinkedIn for Local Gov.

What’s the one platform I’ll be leaning into most in 2024? I’m glad you asked! Drum roll, please. And the platform is . . . LinkedIn! Wait, how did you know? I guess the blog post title gave it away, didn’t it? Shoot. Anyway, yes, it’s...