From Policy to Practice: Web Accessibility in Government

It was early May 2023, I was attending GSMCON in Reno, NV, and taking it all in. I love attending conferences and getting the chance to reflect on my work through new points of view. During a special general session on accessibility, I experienced the biggest mindset...

Dealing with Mis- and Disinformation

I want you to take a minute and look at the faces in the picture above. Perhaps one of them reminds you of a family member, a co-worker, or a friend. Now, what if I told you that none of those individuals actually exist? They are each deep fakes created by a site...

Government Social Media and the First Amendment

In today’s world, social media platforms have become important channels for government entities to communicate with the public, disseminate information, and solicit feedback. However, unlike private sector organizations, government agencies must uphold the...

Fostering Connection Through Social Media

A few weeks ago, we discussed the role that social media plays in government communications today. In that blog post we learned about the Continuum of Emotional Connection and how our social media followers are merely on the first step of a journey to ultimately...